New England chapter (NEASI) Fall 2019 Meeting
Saturday, December 7th
10 am – 3:30 pm
The Richard W. Black Community Center
48 Lebanon Street
Hanover, New Hampshire 03755
$10 members/$20 non-members
(lunch included)
10:00-10:30 Registration and Coffee
10:30-10:45 Welcome and Introductions
10:45-12:00 Using Tablet Computers for Indexing
Marking up proofs for indexing is a mainstay practice for many indexers, yet many of us prefer greener work habits and enjoy the portability of our work. Enter the tablet! With special electronic “pens” indexers can mark up proofs right on screen and even use their tablets as a second monitor while inputting index terms. Tablets can also be used for other business practices such as signing contracts. Michelle Guiliano and Joan Shapiro will demonstrate how they use iPads for indexing in conjunction with Windows-based computers. (A version of this workshop was presented at ASI’s “Bloom in the Desert,” Scottsdale, Arizona, April 27, 2019.) We’ll even do a live demonstration of marking up an excerpt from The Invention of the Sewing Machine (see below).
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-1:30 Business Meeting
Preview of “Indexing Crossroads,” 2020 national conference
1:30-2:45 Indexing Exercise and Review:
Peer reviews are helpful way to see the work of other indexers and discuss the challenges of indexing. This indexing exercise goes beyond the typical peer review process by having all attendees prepare a short index prior to the meeting. We will all be indexing two chapters from the book The Invention of the Sewing Machine by Grace Rogers Cooper and at the meeting we will discuss the similarities and differences among our indexes. Upon registration, a pdf of the entire book will be sent to the participant so register early! You will not be required to share your index with other chapter members but to fully participate in the discussion you should have completed the index ahead of time.
2:45-3:30 Wrap-up and networking opportunity
There is parking onsite and overflow parking on the street.
The Hanover Garden Club will be holding their annual Holiday Sale from 9 a.m. to noon in the same building. They will be selling fun things like scarves, plants, and food as a fundraiser for their activities.