Come join us at the Howe Library at 13 E. South Street in Hanover, NH. There is no charge for this meeting, but each person is responsible for their own lunch costs if they participate in the informal networking luncheon. RSVP is required for both events by sending an email to Michelle Guiliano at: Deadline for RSVP is November 23rd.
11:30 to 1 pm. Informal Networking Luncheon at Market Table from 11:30 to 1 pm.
(Market Table is located at 44 S. Main Street, just 1 block from the library. The parking garage is conveniently located between the library and the restaurant. Visit their website for a look at their menu).
1:15 to 4:15 pm. Fall Meeting at Howe Library
Detailed schedule:
1:15-2:15 pm Starting and Maintaining Your Indexing Business. This will be a panel discussion with Joan Shapiro, Sherri Dietrich, and Jennifer Spanier. Here’s your opportunity to learn from experienced indexers on how to start your indexing business. Established indexers are sure to glean some useful hints on marketing and business management as well.
2:30-4:30 pm Knotty Bits Discussion. The Pacific Northwest Chapter hosted a Knotty Bits Discussion that was a resounding success at their Fall Meeting. We’re shamelessly replicating their idea on the East Coast so here’s your chance to ask questions and receive answers about how to approach the thorny problems you’ve encountered while indexing. Are you unsure how to handle name changes throughout the book? Maybe you want to discuss how to update an index from a previous edition. Submit your question or situation to michelle@linebylineindexing .com before the meeting or, if time allows, at the meeting. All written submissions can remain anonymous if you like so don’t be shy! There will be a room full of indexing experts to brainstorm different approaches.
4:00-4:30 pm Annual business meeting.
Hanover, NH is easily accessible from both I-89 and I-91. For detailed directions, feel free to email Michelle Guiliano at
Alternative transportation: Dartmouth Coach from South Station and Back Bay station. Their schedule is located at The drop off/ pick up in Hanover is 1 block from Market Table and 2 blocks from Howe Library.
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